New A.C.E. Institute CO., LTD
Reserch Presentation FY2005  Back to Table of contents
May 2005, the JSAE Spring Convention, No.23-05, Paper No.20055271
Diesel Combustion and Emission Study using of High Boost and High Injection Pressure in a single Cylinder Engine ( Third Report )Effect of Boost Pressure on Friction Losses
et al
May 2005, the JSAE Spring Convention, No.23-05, Paper No.20055314
High EGR Diesel Combustion and Emission Reduction Study by Single
Cylinder Engine ( Third Report )Result of multi-cylinder Enginer
Aoyagi Sep. 2005, the JSME Annual Meeting, W07
Emission Reduction Technologies in Heavy Duty
Aoyagi Sep. 2006, the JSME Annual Meeting, K14
Past, Today and Future in Diesel Combustion and Engine Studies
et al
Sep. 2005, the JSME Annual Meeting Papers (3), No.05-1, 3233
Engine Performance and Emission Study on Bio Fuel using a Highly
Boosted Single ylinder Diesel Engine ( First Report ) The comparison between RME and Diesel fuel
et al
September 2005, the JSAE Fall Convention, No.133-05, Paper No.20055749
Oxygen Concentration Control of Intake Air at High Boost and High EGR System in a Multi-cylinder Diesel Engine Second Report )
et al
September 2005, the JSAE Fall Convention, No.133-05, Paper No.20055776
“Diesel Combustion and Emissions Study Using Bio-mass Fuel in a Highly Boosted Single Cylinder Engine (First Report)-The Comparison between RME and Diesel fuel-
Sep. 2005, the JSAE Fall Convention, No.127-05, Paper No.20055833
Diesel Combustion and Emission Study using of High Boost and High Injection Pressure in a single Cylinder Engine ( Fourth Report )-Effects of Boost Pressure on Friction Losses and Pumping Losses-
Sep. 2005, the JSAE Fall Convention, No.137-05, Paper No.20055889
Diesel Combustion and Emission Study using of High Boost and High
Diesel Combustion and Emission Study using of High Boost and High Injection Pressure in a single Cylinder Engine (Fifth Report)-Exhaust Emissions Effected by Aluminum, Steel, and FCD Piston-
et al
Sep. 2005, the JSAE Fall Convention, No.137-05, Paper No.20055892
High EGR Diesel Combustion and Emission Reduction Study by Multi Cylinder Engine ( Fourth Report )
-Effect of variable swirl of multi-cylinder Engine-
Aoyagi Oct. 2005, the 2nd Symposium of JSAE Kanto branch
Research and Development for High Performance and Clean Emissions in Heavy Duty Diesel Engine
Publication Papers FY2005
Review of Automotive Engineering 26 P391-397
“Diesel Emission Reduction using High Boost and High EGR Rate in a Single Cylinder 
JSME International Journal Series B Vol.48,No.4,P648-655
“Diesel Combustion and Emission using High Boost and High injection pressure
 in a Single Cylinder Engine”
Transactions of the JSAE Vol.36 No.5, September 2005, Paper No.20054746
Diesel Combustion and Emission Study using of High Boost and High
Injection Pressure in a single Cylinder Engine ( Second Report ) -Effect of Broad and High EGR Rate on NOx and PM Emission-
Journal of JSAE Vol.59, No.4, 2005, pp110-115
New Technology on Diesel Engine: Premixed Compression Ignition Combustion
April 2005, Engine Technology Vol.7 No.2, pp33-38
Challenging Technology for Premixed Compression Ignition Combustion ( HCCI ) in Heavy Duty
Diesel Engine

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