New A.C.E. Institute CO., LTD
Reserch Presentation FY2015  Back to Table of contents
Presenter Title, Conference name, Date
Takuya Yamaguchi “Fundamental Study of Waste Heat Recovery in the High Boosted 6-cylinder Heavy Duty Diesel Engine”, 2015 SAE World Congress, Detroit, Paper No. 2015-01-0326 (2015.4.21-23)
Akira Fukunaga “A study on the effect of higher expansion ratio (geometric compression ratio) for thermal efficiency improvement by a heavy-duty diesel engine” 2015 JSAE Annual Congress (Spring)  YOKOHAMA  (May20-22,2015)
Noboru Uchida NACE Concept for Improving Brake Thermal Efficiency of Diesel Engines”13th International Conference on Engines for VehiclesPort Jefferson (NY)Oral only(2015.6.21-25)
 Hideaki Osada An Analysis on Heat Loss of a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine by Wall-Impinged Spray Flame Observation”, 2015 JSAE/SAE Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants International Meeting, Kyoto, Paper No. 2015-01-1832 (JSAE 20159226), (2015.9.1-4)

Takemasa Kamimoto,
&  Noboru Uchida

“Heat loss of diesel engine” JSME & JSAE, 26th Internal Combustion Engine Symposium, Kyoto, (Dcember,8-10, 2015)
Takuya Yamaguchi Fundamental Study of Waste Heat Recovery in the High Boosted Heavy Duty Diesel Engine”JSME & JSAE, 26th Internal Combustion Engine Symposium, Kyoto, (Dcember,8-10, 2015)
Takeshi Okamoto “New Concept for Simultaneous improvement in Thermal Efficiency, Each Loss and Exhaust Emissions in a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine” JSME & JSAE, 26th Internal Combustion Engine Symposium, Kyoto, (Dcember,8-10, 2015)
Publication Papers FY2015
Akira Fukunaga, Hideaki Osada, Takeshi Okamoto, Noboru Uchida, A study on the effect of higher expansion ratio (geometric compression ratio) for thermal efficiency improvement by a heavy-duty diesel engine” JSAE Proceedings, Vol.47No.1pp6773Paper No. 20164031(2016.1)

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